Back in 2012 a couple friends started riding together. Fast forward to 2018, and that group of friends has now grown to over 170.
As the group evolved, so has our riding! We started out riding in backyards and on small trails. Now we ride at amazing places such as AOAA in PA, Hatfield/McCoy in WV, Jericho State Park, Ride the Wilds in NH, and many parts of Maine including Jackman, Greenville, and the Sunrise Trail!
Our journey has allowed us to have amazing rides, witness incredible scenery, and establish life long friendships.
SLR prides itself on doing the right thing and making responsible choices.
We have given back by creating, maintaining, and respecting where we ride.
SLR has always been about quality not quantity. It's our wonderful members who make us what we are!
Join in on the fun and enjoy the ride! It's going to be a great year!
Code of Ethics